Also known as Columbus Filters (from Columbus Industries, Inc.), raccoglivernice© Paint Overspray Collectors or Arrestors are multilayer filters used in paint mist and Overspray Filtration, to catch and capture particulates from the exhaust air of liquid paint spray booths.
Classified as Hi-tech Paint Collectors, these baffle/strainer-type paint collectors consist of up to eight layers of slit and flame-retardant expanded kraft connected by longitudinal seams in silicone-free yarn.
STANDARD Paint Overspray Collector (STD) consists of the following layers, in air-flow direction:
- L (Large)
- Lx (Large crossed)
- Lx+ (Large crossed)
- S (Small)
- S (Small)
- MM (Mini-Mesh™)
STANDARD Paint Overspray Collector features:
- flame-retardant expanded kraft layers, with final back layer in mini-mesh
- all the layers are overlapped and tied by sewing
- suitable for one stage filtration or pre-filtration in conventional coatings
* efficiencies detected by laboratory tests with standard paint